Identify demands, requirements or challenges and define designated solutions.
We take a holistic approach to managing critical sites by integrating physical security, intelligence, analytics, training and procedures to proactively deal with threats.
Solution Design
Realize solutions based on our TERRA 4D (ISTAR or PSIM) software architecture.
We provide to our customers a tailored solution utilising our vast knowledge, industry expertise, concept of operational and system features. These can include an advanced sensor network with analytics, command and control capabilities, intelligence, enrollment, access management, access operation and gate management.
Education of system integrators, solution providers and operators.
We train and certify our local partners for system implementation guaranteeing top standards.
Mapping & Photogrammetry
GIS data acquisition.
Based on aerial data acquisition by UAV we process geo-referenced ortho-mosaics and digital elevation models. We design 3D Models of buildings and convert 2D floor maps into 3D building models.