Sept 28 | Zeebrugge, Belgium
Our Belgium partner TERSEC will be exhibiting at the "5G IS NOW" technology fair on September 28th, 2021. The event organized by citymesh will take place at the ABC Tower in the Port of Zeebrugge.The fair "5G IS NOW" combines innovation, creativity and technology. With a strong focus on experiencing the added value of 5G networks , new use cases are shown to a wide range of interested companies. It’s the ideal moment to combine the power of a private 5G network and more advanced use-cases.
Take the chance and meet our partner TERSEC to see real-life applications for public safety, smart cities, transportation, seaports, border protection, UAVs and critical infrastrctures based on the TERRA 4D platform that address the challenges for an efficient digital transformation using 5G networks.
Register here to join the event.